Am 6. Oktober 2016 wird Ronnie Bühr, in seiner Funktion als Präsident des Stiftungsrates, die Ehrenbürgerschaft von Corbasca verliehen.
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Targets, basic principles and codes of conduct 

The struggle against dehumanizing poverty is under all belongings the highest endeavour of the foundation mana in mana. Poverty below decent humanitarian levels must be counteracted with full vehemence. 

All tasks are to be in favour of the communities, independent of age, sex, religion, nationality or any other kind of discriminatory factors. The interest of the community as such must by all times outweigh individual interests. 

The target of our aim consists in helping the inhabitants as well as the
authorities / communities in the county of Bacau, most especially in the comuna of Corbasca, to improve their present structures and procedures by bringing them up to exemplary contemporary standards, thus contributing to increase the general welfare and wellbeing levels of their inhabitants.

Our sustainable targets are to be achieved primarily through
o   healthy living conditions for all by means of contemporary
    para-medical provisions and home-care services,
o   educational support and promotion of the youth,
o   creation of local jobs to enable the wellbeing of families through the          generation of income,
o   increasing life quality through decent clothing and housing, healthy        nutrition, and meaningful free time recreation possibilities, as well as by
o  offering help and shelter to elder and handicapped people.

The tasks to be carried out by the foundation mana in mana are to be in favour of the overwhelming majority of the local population, from the youngest to the eldest inhabitants, all in accordance with our targets which range from birth care, schooling and professional education for the youth, job security for mid-aged, medical assistance and leisure time activities for all, up to social welfare care for the elder and disabled inhabitants. 

The foundation mana in mana shall shy no efforts to offer to those who are in need confidence and hopes towards a better future. Our humanitarian support is being offered to the beneficiaries on the basis of pragmatic and sustainable help and within the principles of respectfully “helping people to help themselves”. 

All targets and tasks must be desired and attend to the necessities of the local population, be planned and executed in cooperation with them, attend to high ethical and moral standards and respectfully observe local conditions, habits and traditions.

The aim of the help offered by the foundation mana in mana to the beneficiaries must be to help the people and their mandatories to handle their affairs later on by their own, without having to rely anymore on an outside helping hand after being detached from the former supervision of the foundation mana in mana. On a longer term run this will facilitate them to express their own will and to implement their envisaged undertakings autonomously with self-confidence, self-willingness and self-initiative.  

All affected parties and beneficiaries, being either individuals or mandatories, are to be integrated into our tasks since the very beginning. They should actively contribute with self-commitments and share with us a part of the burdens whilst implementing the new targeted visions, by voluntarily participating and cooperating within their financial and / or personal possibilities, without receiving for that any kind of personal benefits. No tasks may be implemented just in order to favour personal, political, religious or any other kind of local or individual needs. 

Only an active participation of the beneficiaries whilst implementing the envisaged projects will make them estimate the value of the same, motivate them to grant their future structural and procedural survival also in the future on an independent basis, granting therewith their sustainability, their anchoring in the community, and the securement of a good and fruitful relationship between all local stakeholders in respect to the projects handed over to them by the foundation mana in mana. The overtaking of self and community oriented responsibilities through self-initiatives should thus allow all undertakings to become long lasting and self-supporting. 

The distress in Romania, most especially in the remote rural areas is incredibly high and forces a majority of the local inhabitants to live under unworthy conditions.

Within its personal and financial resources the foundation mana in mana envisages to assist the poorest of the poor, thus giving them conditions to improve their daily living conditions.  

These are all non-negotiable values which have to be kept in mind at all times.

Organization and Management

The foundation has the exclusive aim of a non-profit humanitarian welfare organization (ngo).

The foundation mana in mana can count on specialized knowledge and know-how of a board of experts and many volunteers. 

Following people are members of the board of trustees of the foundation mana in mana and they all work for the organization on a honorary basis: 

Mr. Ronnie Bühr, President
Mrs. Gabriela Bühr, Vice-President
Mr. Andreas Bühr, Finances
Mr. Markus Bühr, Communication 

In Romania the foundation can count with the support given by
Mrs. Gabriela Achihai, Presidente of FSC - Fundatia de Sprijin Comunitar in Bacau.

To grant the achievement of the before mentioned targets, a daughter foundation was constituted under the name of Fundatia mana @ mana with domicile in the county’s capital Bacau. 

All projects are carried out in-house under the supervision of the foundation mana in mana and the operational management of the Fundatia mana @ mana in colaboration with the local Foundation FSC - Fundatria de sprijin comunitar. This at least until the projects become financially, organizationally and personally self- sufficient, granting therewith their independent survival on a long term basis.
To secure a self-controllable realisation of the projects in course, the foundation masna in mana delegates all operational tasks to its daughter organization Fundatia mana @ mana, which on its behalf may benefit from the local know-how of its liaison partner FSC - Fundatia de sprijin comunitar.